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Revenue concession for Ukrainian citizens working remotely for Ukrainian employers

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Today, 14th April 2022. the Irish Revenue published guidance (Revenue eBrief No. 090/22) on the tax treatments of Ukrainians, who continue to be employed by their Ukrainian employer while they perform the duties of their employment, remotely, in Ireland.  The Guidance material outlines a number of tax concessions which will apply for the 2022 tax year under PAYE (Employment Income) and Corporation Tax.




As you’re aware, income earned from a non-Irish employment, where the performance of those duties is carried out in Ireland, is liable to Irish payroll taxes irrespective of the employee’s or employer’s tax residence status. However, by concession, the Irish Revenue are prepared to treat Irish-based employees of Ukrainian employers as not being liable to Irish Income Tax and USC in respect of Ukrainian employment income that is attributable to the performance of duties in Ireland.


Ukrainian Employers will not be required to register as employers in Ireland and operate Irish payroll taxes in respect of such income.


Please be aware that this concession only relates to employment income which is (a) paid to an Irish-based employee (b) by their Ukrainian employer.



In order for the above concessions to apply, two conditions must be met:

  1. The employee would have performed his/her/their employment duties in Ukraine but for the war there and
  2. the employee remains subject to Ukrainian income tax on his/her/their employment income for the year.




Corporation Tax

The Irish Revenue will disregard for Corporation Tax purposes any employee, director, service provider or agent who has come to Ireland because of the war in Ukraine and whose presence here has unavoidably been extended as a result of the war in Ukraine.


Again, such concessionary treatment only applies in circumstances where the relevant person would have been present in Ukraine but for the war there.


For any individual or relevant entity availing of the concessional tax treatment, it is essential that he/she/they retain any documents or other evidence, including records with the individual’s arrival date in Ireland, which clearly shows that the individual’s presence in Ireland and the reason the duties of employment are carried out in the state is due to the war in Ukraine.  These records must be retained by the relevant individual or entity as Revenue may request such evidence.



For further information, please follow link:



Please be aware that the information contained in this article is of a general nature.  It is not intended to address specific circumstances in relation to any individual or entity. All reasonable efforts have been made by Accounts Advice Centre to provide accurate and up-to-date information, however, there can be no guarantee that such information is accurate on the date it is received or that it will continue to remain so.. This information should not be acted upon without full and comprehensive, specialist professional tax advice.