Revenue Audit and Investigations


Best Irish Tax Advisors

Personal Tax, Business Taxes, Capital Gains Tax, VAT


Today, 10th October 2023, the Minister for Finance, Michael McGrath and Minister for Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform, Paschal Donohoe presented the 2024 Budget.  This article will summarise the main points under Personal Tax, Business Tax, VAT, Capital Gains Tax, Property Taxes, etc.



Budget 2024 tax measures feature a range of supports for individual and business taxpayers under the following headings:





  • All PRSI contribution rates will increase by 0.1% from 1st October 2024. There will be an increase of 0.1% in Employee and Employer’s PRSI contributions from 1st October 2024. Class A1 Employee PRSI will rise from 4% to 4.1%.  Employer’s PRSI will rise from 11.05% to 11.15% and the reduced rate of Employer’s PRSI for earnings of €441 per week or less will rise from 8.8% to 8.9%.


  • The standard rate band for Income Tax (i.e. the amount of income subject to tax at the 20% rate) will be increased by €2,000, meaning that the first €42,000 of a single individual’s income and the first €51,000 for married couples, with one earner, will be taxed at the 20% Income Tax rate.


  • The ceiling for the 2% USC rate will be increased from €22,920 to €25,760. The 4.5% rate of USC will be reduced to 4% and the reduced rate of 2% USC currently applying to full medical card holders as well as those individuals aged over seventy, whose total income does not exceed €60,000, will be extended to the end of 2025.


  • The Personal Tax Credit, the Employee Tax Credit and the Earned Income Tax Credit will each be increased from €1,775 to €1,875 for the tax year 2024 onwards.


  • The Home Carer tax credit will be Increased by €100, from €1,700 to €1,800.


  • The Single person child Carer tax credit will be increased from €1,650 to €1,750.


  • The Incapacitated Child Tax credit will be increased from €3,300 to €3,500.


  • The Sea-going Naval Personnel Tax Credit has been extended for a further year to 31st  December 2024.


  • The Rental Tax credit for principal private residence has been increased from €500 to €750 per year for 2024 or from €1,000 to €1,500 per jointly assessed couple (i.e. married couples or civil partners). Parents who pay for their student children in Rent-a-Room or digs accommodation can now claim relief for rent paid. This change has been backdated and will apply retrospectively to the years 2022 and 2023.  In order to qualify for this tax credit, the children must attend an approved course.


  • A temporary one year tax credit in relation to mortgage interest has been introduced for 2024.  It will apply at the standard Income Tax rate of 20%, subject to a maximum tax credit of €1,250 per property, on an outstanding mortgage balance on the taxpayer’s Principal Private Residence of between €80,000 and €500,000, as of 31st December 2022.  To claim the tax credit, the taxpayer must be compliant with Local Property Tax requirements and file a Tax Return.  The tax credit will be available for offset against the taxpayer’s Income Tax liability for the 2023 year of assessment.  Prorating of the relief will apply where the interest paid is less than twelve months.


  • The Company car Benefit-in-Kind relief introduced in Finance Act 2019 to apply from 1st January 2023 have been extended to 2024.  With effect from 1st January 2023, BIK on employer provided cars is calculated based the vehicle’s CO2 emissions.  The amount liable to tax as BIK is determined by (a) the original market value of the car, (b) the annual business kilometres driven and (c) the CO2 emission rate of the vehicle.  In March 2023, a temporary change was introduced to combat the negative impact of this new BIK rule on the employee’s net or take-home pay.  It provided for a reduction of €10,000 to the original market value of vehicles in categories A to D.  There is no reduction to Open Market Values for cars in the E category.  In addition, the highest business mileage band was reduced from 52,001 Kms to 48,001 Kms as part of that amendment.  These temporary universal measures have been extended to 31st  December 2024.


  • The Temporary Universal Relief of €10,000 applied to the Original Market Value of a company car, including vans, for vehicles in Category A-D is being extended to 31st December 2024.


  • The special Benefit-in-Kind rule on Electric Vehicles is being enhanced and extended. The current Original Market Value deduction of €35,000 will be extended until 31st December 2025. Along with the additional €10,000 introduced in Budget 2024, Electric Vehicles will see a deduction of up to €45,000 on the open market value.  The tapering of this discount will, therefore, be deferred by two years.  In summary, the current reduction of €35,000 in OMV will continue to apply for all EVs until the end of 2025, and will taper to €20,000 for 2026 and €10,000 for 2027.


  • The Department of Finance will be launching a public consultation on modernising share based remuneration.


  • It was confirmed that EU State aid approval to deliver the Finance Act 2022 amendments to the Key Employee Engagement Programme (KEEP) has been received and will be commenced by Ministerial order shortly. This will include an extension of the scheme until 31st December 2025 as well as doubling the lifetime company limit for KEEP shares to €6 million.  It will also enable the Capital Gains Tax treatment to apply to the buy back of KEEP shares by the company from a relevant employee, provided all the conditions are met.






  • In his Budget 2024 Statement, Minister McGrath reaffirmed Ireland’s commitment to the OECD’s Two Pillar Agreement to address the tax challenges arising from the digitalisation of the economy. The legislation to implement the 15% minimum tax rate under the OECD’s Pillar Two agreement will be published in the Finance Bill next week.  Under the BEPS 2.0 initiative, these rules require EU Member States to introduce a global minimum effective tax rate (ETR) of 15% for corporate/multinational groups with annual global turnover of in excess of €750 million. This minimum rate will apply in each jurisdiction in which the group operates.  The ETR will be calculated on adjusted financial accounting profits less tax expenses.


  • Minister McGrath also reaffirmed his commitment to introducing a participation exemption for foreign sourced dividends in Finance Bill 2024.


  • In his speech, the Minister confirmed that the R&D Tax Credit will be increased from 25% to 30% in respect of qualifying expenditure incurred in 2024. The first claims will be filed in 2025. There is a payment limit on the amount that can be paid to a claimant in the initial year of a claim. The Minister announced an increase in the payment threshold from €25,000 to €50,000 thereby doubling the amount of the R&D Tax Credit available for refund to the company, as part of its first year R&D Tax credit instalment.


  • The Accelerated Capital Allowances Scheme for Energy Efficient Equipment, which is available to companies and unincorporated businesses, will be extended for a further two years until 31st December 2025. The scheme allows for 100% Accelerated Capital Allowances to be claimed in year one, on capital expenditure on certain energy efficient equipment, used for the purposes of its trade, provided the qualifying conditions are met.


  • As you may remember Finance Act 2022 extended film relief to 31st December 2028. The Section 481 Film Corporation Tax Credit is a corporation tax credit of 32% of the qualifying costs of certain audiovisual productions. Budget 2024 increased in the current project cap for the film credit from €70 million to €125 million.  This is subject to EU State Aid approval.


  • Employment Investment Incentive Scheme (EIIS) provides Income Tax Relief for investment in qualifying small and medium sized businesses, provided qualifying conditions are satisfied. Budget 2024 standardised the minimum holding period required to obtain relief to 4 years and it doubled the limit on the amount on which an investor can claim such relief to €500,000.  It is expected that further changes to EIIS will be made in the Finance Bill to take into account amendments to the EU General Block Exemption Regulation (GBER).


  • Capital Gains Tax Retirement Relief applies on the disposal of business assets, farming assets and/or shares in certain family companies by an individual, aged fifty five years or over, provided certain qualifying conditions are met. A reduced Capital Gains Tax Relief is available where the individual is aged sixty six years and over. From 1st January 2025, that upper age limit for Capital Gains Tax Retirement Relief is to be extended to the age of seventy years.  In summary, the reduced relief which is available on disposals from age 66 onwards will now apply from age 70. There will also be a new limit of €10 million on the relief available for disposals to a child up until the age of 70 provided all the qualifying conditions are satisfied.


  • No changes to Revised Entrepreneur Relief were announced in the Budget.


  • A targeted new capital gains tax relief for individual angel investors in innovative start-ups, in line with the recommendation from the Commission on Taxation and Welfare, was announced today. The relief will be available to an individual who invests in an innovative start-up small and medium enterprise for a period of at least 3 years.  The investment by the individual must be in the form of fully paid-up newly issued shares costing at least €10,000 and constituting between 5 percent and 49 percent of the ordinary issued share capital of the company.  This relief will consist of a 16% rate of Capital Gains Tax (18% if invested through a partnership) on the disposal of qualifying investments, capped at twice the level of investment.  In other words, the gain to which this reduced CGT rate can apply is capped at 200% of the investment made.  Any gain above that will be liable to CGT at the standard rate of 33%. A lifetime gains limit of €3m will apply.   Further details will be available in the upcoming Finance Bill.  The scheme will include a certification process, carried out by Enterprise Ireland, to ensure the relief is targeted at innovative SMEs that can demonstrate financial viability and compliance with the requirements of the EU General Block Exemption Regulation (GBER).





  • As you’re aware, Finance Act 2022 introduced a Vacant Homes Tax which applies to residential properties which are in use as a dwelling for less than thirty days in a twelve-month chargeable period. With effect from 1st November 2023, the rate will increase from three to five times a property’s existing base Local Property Tax liability.


  • The Minister announced a one year extension to the liability date for Residential Zoned Land Tax (RZLT) to facilitate engagement with the mapping process by affected landowners. RZLT was previously intended to be charged and levied from 1st February 2024 onwards. This has been deferred and will now apply from 1st February 2025.


  • A new temporary tax relief for small landlords will apply from 2024 to 2027. This Rented Residential Relief will provide relief at the standard rate of tax on a portion of the landlord’s rental income from residential properties.  Subject to certain conditions, €3,000 will be disregarded at the standard rate of tax in 2024.  The new relief will rise to €4,000 in 2025 and €5,000 in 2026 and 2027.  This will be equivalent to a tax credit of €600 in 2024, €800 in 2025 and €1,000 in 2026 and 2027.  The relief will be clawed back if the landlord removes the property from the rental market within four years of the initial claim.  To avail of the relief, the tenancies must be registered with the Residential Tenancies Board or with the public authority, where relevant.  In situations where the landlord owns multiple properties, the relief will be apportioned.  Where the property is jointly owned, the relief will be divided based on the percentage to which each owner is entitled.  Further information will be provided in the Finance Bill.


  • The Help-to-Buy Scheme is being extended until 31st December 2025. The relief takes the form of a repayment of Income Tax paid for the four years of assessment prior to making the application.  The scheme will be amended to make it more accessible to those purchasing properties through the Local Authority Affordable Purchase Scheme.  The affordable dwelling contribution received under the LAAP scheme can be used for the purpose of computing the 70% loan to value requirement of the Help to Buy Scheme.  This change will be implemented tomorrow, 11th October 2023.


  • The Defective Concrete Products Levy is being amended so that it will no longer apply to the pouring of concrete used to manufacture precast concrete products. A refund scheme will be introduced for those who paid the levy between 1st September and 31st December 2023.






  • The flat rate VAT compensation rate for unregistered farmers will be reduced from 5% to 4.8% from 1st January 2024. This is a measure introduced to compensate unregistered farmers for the VAT they cannot claim on their farming purchases.


  • Consanguinity Relief (Stamp Duty) will be extended for a further five years to 31st December 2028. This reduced Stamp Duty rate of 1% applies to transfers of farmland between certain blood relatives.


  • The scheme of accelerated capital allowances, at 50% per annum over two years, for capital expenditure incurred by farmers on certain farm safety equipment will be extended for a further three years, to 31st December 2026. The expenditure must be certified by the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine.


  • The Minister announced that the Income Tax Relief for leased land will be amended so that it only applies to land which has been owned for seven years. Currently, no ownership period condition exists for the relief to apply. This amendment is targeted at active farmers and will apply to lessors who acquire farmland from 1st January 2024. The change will require a lessor who purchases the farmland for market value on/after 1st January 2024 to have owned the land for a minimum of seven years before they are eligible to make a claim for Land Leasing Income Tax Relief.


  • From 1st January 2024, the aggregate lifetime limits have been increased from €70,000 to €100,000 for the following Agricultural Reliefs: Stock Relief for Young Trained Farmers, Relief for Succession Farm Partnerships and Young Trained Farmers’ Stamp Duty Relief.


  • The maximum Stock Relief for Registered Farm Partnerships will be increased from €15,000 to €20,000 for qualifying periods commencing on/after 1st January 2024.





  • With effect from 1st January 2024, the current VAT business registration thresholds will increase from €37,500 to €40,000 for services and from €75,000 to €80,000 for goods.


  • The 9% VAT rate for gas and electricity has been extended for an additional twelve months until 31st October 2024. It had been due to end on 31st October 2023.


  • The Minister announced that a public consultation will be launched by the Revenue Commissioners shortly on the modernisation of the VAT invoicing and reporting system. The digitisation of the VAT system is expected to be introduced in line with EU tax digitisation measures.


  • From 1st January 2024, the zero rate of VAT will apply to e-books and audiobooks.


  • From 1st January 2024, the zero rate of VAT will apply to the supply and installation of solar panels in schools.


  • From 1st January 2024, the total annual capped fund for the Charities VAT Compensation Scheme will be double to €10 million.






  • No changes were announced in relation to the Capital Gains Tax rate, Capital Acquisitions Tax rate or the amount of the Capital Acquisitions Tax thresholds.


  • In accordance with the recommendation of the Commission on Taxation and Welfare, foster children will now be able to avail of the Group B Capital Acquisitions Tax lifetime tax free threshold (currently €32,500) based on their relationship to their foster parent. This amendment will be introduced in the Finance Bill.


  • The VRT relief for battery Electric Vehicles has been extended for a further two years to 31st December 2025. This applies to EVs valued up to €50,000.


  • The review of the Funds sector is ongoing.


  • Tax Relief available to taxpayers who donate items under the Heritage Item Donation Scheme in any one year will be amended to take into account an increase in the aggregate value of such items from €6 million to €8 million. The tax relief available is a credit of 80% of the market value of the heritage item donated.




For details of last year’s Budget, please click the link: BUDGET 2023 – Ireland – Accounts Advice Centre





Please be aware that the information contained in this article is of a general nature.  It is not intended to address specific circumstances in relation to any individual or entity. All reasonable efforts have been made by Accounts Advice Centre to provide accurate and up-to-date information, however, there can be no guarantee that such information is accurate on the date it is received or that it will continue to remain so.. This information should not be acted upon without full and comprehensive, specialist professional tax advice.

Revenue’s guidance on Section 56 – VAT

VAT Experts and Specialists in Ireland

EU and Irish VAT. Revenue Compliance Interventions. Audits and Investigations. Section 56 Authorisation



Today, Revenue published e-Brief 45/22.  In it, the Irish Revenue Commissioners updated their VAT guidance material in relation to the operation of the Section 56 authorisation regime to provide further clarity in relation to qualifying persons, imports as well as the cancellation of authorisations.  The section 56 authorisation enables the holder of such to receives supplies of goods and services in Ireland at the 0% rate of VAT.  This is known as a ‘56B’ authorisation.


Broadly speaking, a VAT registered entity is eligible to apply for a Section 56 authorisation where over 75% of their annual turnover is derived from qualifying sales including intra-community supplies of goods, exports and certain contract work.


The definition of a “qualifying person” is an accountable person whose turnover from zero-rated intra-Community supplies of goods, export of goods outside the EU and supplies of certain contract work equates to 75% or more of their total annual turnover for the twelve month period preceding the making of an application for Section 56 authorisation. (Section 52 FA 2021 amended the definition of “qualifying person” in section 56 VATCA 2010).




Start Up Situations

Previously, a person could only apply for a section 56 authorisation where they could demonstrate that they qualified for one in the twelve month period prior to making the application.  The updated Guidance material now includes an exception to this requirement for start-up entities, on an interim basis, provided certain criteria are met:

  1. their turnover from zero-rated intra-Community supplies of goods, exports and certain supplies of contract work will exceed 75% of their total turnover in the first twelve months of trading

  2. they satisfy all other conditions as set out under Section 56 and

  3. the start up entity is a subsidiary of, or is otherwise connected to a company that is in possession of a current Section 56 authorisation.


The third condition will cause difficulties for many start-up companies, since in many cases they are new individual companies with no related entities. As such, it would appear the start-up would be required to wait the full twelve months before making a VAT56B application.





Renewals of existing Authorisations

e-Brief 45/22 confirms that for renewals of existing valid authorisations, the turnover figure, from audited financial statements for an accounting year end falling within the twelve month period preceding the application, may be used.




Interaction with postponed VAT accounting arrangements

As Section 56 Authorisation allows the importation of goods at 0% VAT rate, the holder of a section 56 authorisation is, therefore, not permitted to use postponed accounting arrangements.




Cancellation of an Authorisation

The cancellation of a VAT56B arises where Revenue is not satisfied that there is a continuing entitlement to such authorisation.


Revenue will cancel the authorisation, by notice in writing, in circumstances where:

  1. the authorised person is no longer a qualifying person

  2. the information provided, or the declarations made when applying for the authorisation were proven to be materially false, incorrect, or misleading

  3. the authorised person fails to comply with the “Post authorisation obligations” outlined.


Where the authorisation is cancelled, a formal written notice will be issued to the accountable person outlining the grounds for cancellation.



Revenue can request documentation and proof from the accountable person in circumstances where it has reservations regarding the entitlement of that person to a Section 56 Authorisation.


The cancellation may be appealed to the Tax Appeals Commission.




For further information, please click: Section 56 Zero Rating of Goods and Services – [Section 56 Zero Rating of Goods and Services] (




If you wish to make an appointment to discuss this area of tax, please email us at




Please be aware that the information contained in this article is of a general nature.  It is not intended to address specific circumstances in relation to any individual or entity. All reasonable efforts have been made by Accounts Advice Centre to provide accurate and up-to-date information, however, there can be no guarantee that such information is accurate on the date it is received or that it will continue to remain so.. This information should not be acted upon without full and comprehensive, specialist professional tax advice.

New Code of Practice for Revenue Compliance Interventions

Revenue Audits and Investigations

Revenue Compliance Interventions – Income Tax, Corporation Tax, VAT – Risk Review, Revenue Audits and Investigations


The Revenue Commissioners published a new Code of Practice for Revenue Compliance Interventions today which will be effective from 1st May 2022 and will apply to all compliance interventions notified on/after that date. The revised Code applies to all taxes (including Personal Tax, VAT, Corporate Taxes, etc.) and duties, with the exception of Customs.  Revenue’s new compliance framework outlines different levels of tax compliance intervention.  Briefly, Level 1 interventions are designed to support compliance without the need for a more in-depth intervention.  Level 2 interventions comprise a Risk Review or a full Revenue Audit.  Level 3 interventions, however, are Revenue Investigations and are used to tackle serious fraud and tax evasion.  Once a Revenue investigation is initiated, it is not possible for the taxpayer to make a qualifying disclosure in relation to the matters under investigation.




The revised Code reflects Revenue’s new Compliance Intervention Framework and the key changes include:

  1. A three tier designation of Revenue Interventions and
  2. The introduction of Risk Review categories of Intervention.



Level 1


Level 1 Interventions are aimed at assisting taxpayers to bring their tax affairs in order voluntarily.  They are designed to support compliance by reminding taxpayers of their obligations. They also provide them with the opportunity to correct errors without the need for a more in-depth Revenue intervention. These include the following:

  1. Self-reviews
  2. Profile interviews
  3. Bulk issue non-filer reminders
  4. Actions that fall under the Co-operative Compliance Framework.




The expected outcomes of Level 1 Interventions:

  1. Liability under relevant tax head(s).
  2. Statutory Interest
  3. Reduced penalties. In situations where self correction is an option, no penalties should arise.
  4. No Prosecution.
  5. No Publication.



In Summary:

  • Level 1 interventions can only occur where the Revenue Commissioners have not already engaged in any detailed examination, review, audit or investigation of the matters under consideration.
  • Examples include VAT verification check letters requesting backup documentation to support refund claims, reminder notifications in relation to outstanding tax returns, questionnaires for R&D Tax Credit claims, requests to self-review on specific issues, etc.
  • A Level 1 Intervention allows for an unprompted qualifying disclosure.
  • Unprompted qualifying disclosures cannot be made at any level other than Level 1.
  • The definition of a Profile Interview has changed in the new Code. A Profile Interview will now be used by Revenue to familiarise itself with a specific taxpayer.  Previously it was used to assess a set of taxpayer risks to ascertain whether or not a Revenue audit was required.
  • If the Revenue Commissioners identify a compliance risk during a Profile Interview, they may initiate a Level 2 or Level 3 intervention.
  • A Level 1 Compliance Intervention allows for (i) self corrections and (ii) unprompted qualifying disclosure.
  • When making an unprompted qualifying disclosure, it is essential to disclose the tax defaults for the tax heads and the tax periods which are the subject of the disclosure. To be completely compliant, the taxpayer must also include all previously undisclosed tax defaults in the ‘deliberate default’ category under any tax head and/or any tax period.


Important Change

According to the new Code, self-corrections can continue to be made the taxpayer is within the relevant time limits


From 1st May 2022 any such self-corrections must be made in writing.


The submission of an amended return on ROS will no be longer sufficient to qualify as a written notification.


Therefore, to qualify as a self correction, a written notification must be provided as well as any amendment made on ROS.



Level 2

One of the more fundamental changes to the revised Code is the introduction of the ‘Risk Review’ as a Level 2 Intervention. Level 2 interventions are used by Revenue to confront compliance risks ranging from the examination of a single issue within a Tax Return to a full and comprehensive Revenue Audit.  An ‘unprompted qualifying disclosure’ will not be available to a taxpayer who receives notification of a Risk Review in respect of the specified tax head and tax period.  Taxpayers will, however, have the option to make a prompted qualifying disclosure when notified of a Level 2 intervention.



There are two types of Level 2 Interventions:

  1. Risk Reviews
  2. Audits



Level 2 Interventions – Risk Review

  • A Risk Review is generally a desk based intervention which focuses on a particular issue or issues contained in a tax return or a risk identified by Revenue’s own system.
  • Unlike level 1 interventions, there is no option for a taxpayer to make a self-correction or an unpromoted qualifying disclosure once they have been notified of a level 2 compliance intervention.
  • A written notification will be issued to the taxpayer.
  • The notice will specify the scope of the tax review, outlining which information is to be provided within a twenty eight day period.
  • The notification will also clarify whether the intervention is a risk review or an audit.
  • The review will take place twenty eight days from the date of the notification.
  • Generally, Risk Reviews will be carried out by correspondence.
  • Taxpayers will have twenty one days in which to notify Revenue if they intend to make a prompted qualifying disclosure.
  • A prompted qualifying disclosure can be made within twenty eight days of a notification of a level 2 intervention, with the possibility of requesting an additional sixty days.
  • In circumstances where a prompted qualifying disclosure is made, it must be made along with the relevant tax and statutory interest paid, before the expiry of the twenty eight day period.
  • The prompted qualifying disclosure must include all underpayments in respect of that particular tax head for the period in question and not just the particular issue which is the subject of the Risk Review. If the taxpayer fails to disclose any underpayments at this point then it is likely that higher penalties could ensue along with an increased risk of publication on Revenue’s Tax Defaulters List.
  • A prompted qualifying disclosure may allow the taxpayer the opportunity to mitigate penalties, avoid prosecution and/or avoid publication on the tax defaulters’ list.
  • Failure to respond to the Risk Review Notification may result in an on-site visit by Revenue or a full Revenue Audit.


Level 2 Interventions – Revenue Audit


A “Revenue Audit” is an examination of the compliance of a taxpayer.  It focuses on the accuracy of specific tax returns, statements, claims, declarations, etc. Broadly speaking, the operation of a Revenue Audit will remain the same under the revised Code.  An audit will be initiated where there is a greater level of perceived risk.  Also, please keep in mind that an audit may be extended to include additional tax risks depending on information discovered by Revenue during the audit process.


The main stages in a typical Revenue audit are unchanged under the new Code and can be summarised as follows:


  1. The taxpayer receives a Notification Letter which confirms the type of compliance intervention to be undertaken as well as the tax head(s) and period(s) covered. The notice also contains the audit commencement date and location in addition to the books and records to be made available for inspection.
  2. The audit will commence twenty eight days after the date of the notification.
  3. It is possible for businesses to request an alternative date in circumstances where the commencement date is not feasible for them.
  4. A pre-audit meeting can be carried out, where necessary, to ascertain the nature and availability of electronic records.
  5. It is possible to make a prompted qualifying disclosure before the start of the Audit. In order to make such a disclosure, tax and statutory interest must be paid in full.  A penalty does not need to be included.  The taxpayer must sign a declaration that the disclosure is complete and correct.
  6. Taxpayers may request an additional sixty days in order to prepare a prompted qualifying disclosure. This must be done within twenty one days of the date of the Audit Notification.
  7. Opening meeting – At the start of this meeting, the Auditor explains the purpose of the audit and indicates how long it should take. At this point, the Taxpayer has the opportunity to make a prompted qualifying disclosure.  This meeting provides the taxpayer with the opportunity to demonstrate to Revenue the tax controls in place. The Revenue auditor will examine the books and records as well as the prompted qualifying disclosure, raise queries and interview the taxpayer.  The information and explanations provided by the taxpayer will define the focus areas of the audit as well as influencing its outcome.
  8. Revenue will meet the Taxpayer to outline the audit findings.
  9. If the tax return is correct, the taxpayer will be informed as soon as there is certainty. If, however, the return requires amendment, the Auditor will discuss this with the Taxpayer and provide written clarification.
  10. At the close of the audit there will be a final meeting to agree on the total settlement when the taxpayer should pay the required amount to the Auditor.
  11. Following on from the audit, assessments may be raised or actions carried out to recover additional or disputed tax liabilities, where necessary.



Level 3 Intervention

Level 3 interventions take the form of Revenue investigations. These would generally be focused on suspected tax fraud and evasion.  A ‘Revenue Investigation’ is an examination of a taxpayer’s affairs where Revenue believes that serious tax or duty evasion may have occurred.  As the Revenue investigation may lead to a criminal prosecution, it is always recommended to seek expert professional advice and assistance in such situations.


A taxpayer is not entitled to make a qualifying disclosure from the date of commencement of the investigation, however, a taxpayer can seek to mitigate penalties by cooperating fully with a level 3 intervention.


Taxpayers will generally be notified of a Level 3 intervention in writing.  However, in certain cases Revenue may carry out an unannounced visit or may carry out investigations without notifying the taxpayer in writing.


Just to reiterate, once an investigation is initiated, the taxpayer cannot make a qualifying disclosure in relation to the matters under investigation.





The main changes in the new Code of Practice for Revenue Compliance Interventions are:

  1. The new Risk Review which is classed in the same category as a Revenue Audit. Once a taxpayer is notified of a Risk Review, the option of making an unprompted qualifying disclosure is removed.  This means the taxpayer will be subject to increased penalties and possible publication on the Revenue’s Tax Defaulters’ list.
  2. A Risk Review generally requires clarification of a specific tax related issue, however, in order for a prompted disclosure to qualify, the disclosure must cover all tax defaults in relation to that particular tax head and the period(s) outlined in the notification. If, however, the default is considered to be in the deliberate default category, the disclosure must cover all tax heads and all tax periods.
  3. There is a 28 day period between the date of the Notification and the commencement of the Risk Review or Audit.
  4. Under the new Code, where the tax underpayment or an incorrectly claimed refund is less than €50,000, publication on the Revenue’s Tax Defaulters’ list will not arise. This increased threshold relates to the tax liability only and does not include interest and/or penalties.
  5. Under the new Code, the exclusion from mitigation of penalties in relation to disclosures pertaining to offshore matters has been removed. This means the taxpayer can now include tax defaults relating to offshore matters in qualifying disclosures and benefit from mitigated penalties.
  6. The Revenue Investigation process remains largely unchanged under the new Code.




For full information, please click:





To book an appointment to discuss any Revenue correspondence you may have received in relation to a Level 1, Level 2 or Level 3 Intervention, please email us at






Please be aware that the information contained in this article is of a general nature.  It is not intended to address specific circumstances in relation to any individual or entity. All reasonable efforts have been made by Accounts Advice Centre to provide accurate and up-to-date information, however, there can be no guarantee that such information is accurate on the date it is received or that it will continue to remain so.. This information should not be acted upon without full and comprehensive, specialist professional tax advice.