For taxation purposes, Capital Allowances are deemed to be amounts a business can deduct from its profits in respect of “qualifying Capital Expenditure” which was incurred on the provision of certain assets (i.e. plant and machinery) used for the purposes of the trade.


As depreciation is not allowable for the purposes of calculating tax, Capital Allowances allow the taxpayer to write off the cost of the asset over a certain period of time.


The 2018 Finance Act introduced the following amendments to Capital Allowances as follows:




Accelerated Capital Allowances for Energy-Efficient Equipment


Section 285A TCA 1997 came into effect on 9th October 2008 to provide relief to companies purchasing energy efficient equipment for the purposes of their trade.


This Capital Allowance Relief was provided in the form of a deduction which equalled 100% of the value of the equipment in the year of purchase provided certain conditions were met (see Schedule 4A TCA 1997).  In other words, this relief reduces the taxable profits, in year one, by the full amount incurred on the purchase of the equipment.


Finance Act 2017 amended the definition of “relevant period.”  As a result, the qualifying period was extended until 31st December 2020.


On 14th February 2018, Revenue issued eBrief No. 22/2018 confirming that the Tax and Duty Manual has been updated to reflect the extension of the relief to 31st December 2020.


Section 17 FA 2018 contains further amendments to the scheme.


It sets out criteria as to which products qualify for accelerated wear and tear allowances.


To qualify for the relief, the equipment must be new.


Section 17 FA 2018 makes reference to the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) being allowed to establish and maintain a list of energy-efficient equipment under the scheme.  In summary, in order for energy equipment to qualify for the accelerated capital allowances, it must appear on the SEAI list.  These amendments remove the requirement for government to issue Statutory Instruments, on a regular basis, setting out the criteria for “qualifying assets.”


This section of legislation comes into operation on 1st January 2019.


Energy-efficient equipment that has not been approved but is deemed to be plant and machinery can of the normal wear and tear allowances being 12½% over an eight year period.





Capital allowances on childcare and fitness centre equipment and buildings


Section 12 Finance Act 2017 introduced a new accelerated capital allowances regime for capital expenditure incurred on the purchase of equipment and buildings used for the purposes of providing childcare services or fitness centre facilities to employees.


The section amended the Taxes Consolidation Acts 1997 to include two new sections: s285B TCA 1997 and s843B TCA 1997.


The Relief was subject to a Commencement Order which was never issued.


Section 19 of Finance Act 2018 amends Parts 9 and 36 as well as Schedule 25B of the TCA 1997.


The scheme commences from 1st January 2019.


Finance Act 2018 amends the definition of “qualifying expenditure” making the relief available to all employers, as opposed to just those carrying on a trade which wholly/mainly involves childcare services or the provision of facilities in a fitness centre.   In other words, the relief will be available to all employers since the restriction that the relief is only available to trades consisting wholly/mainly of the provision of childcare services or fitness facilities has been removed.



Where a person has incurred “qualifying expenditure” on “qualifying plant or machinery” a 100% wear and tear allowance is allowed in the year in which the equipment is first used in the business under Section 285B TCA 1997.



Section 843B TCA 1997 allows employers to claim accelerated industrial buildings allowances of 15% for six years and 10% for the seventh year in relation to capital expenditure incurred on the construction of “qualifying premises” i.e. qualifying expenditure on a building or structure in use for the purpose of providing childcare services or fitness centre facilities to employees of the company.



The facilities must be for the exclusive use of the employees and can be neither accessible nor available for use by the general public.



The relief will not be available to commercial childcare or fitness businesses nor will it be available to investors.






Accelerated Capital Allowances for gas vehicles and refuelling equipment

Section 18 Finance Act 2018 introduced accelerated allowances for gas vehicles and refuelling equipment which provides for an accelerated capital allowances rate of 100% on “qualifying expenditure” incurred between 1st January 2019 and 31st December 2021.  This section amends the Tax Consolidation Act of 1997 by inserting Section 285C.


Qualifying expenditure is defined as capital expenditure incurred during the relevant period on the provision of “qualifying refuelling equipment” or “qualifying vehicles” used for the purposes of carrying on a trade.



“Qualifying refuelling equipment” includes the following:

  • a storage tank for gaseous fuel
  • a compressor, pump, control or meter used for the purposes of refuelling gas vehicles or
  • equipment for supplying gaseous fuel to the fuel tank of a gas vehicle.


The equipment in question must be new and installed at a gas refuelling station



“Qualifying vehicle” is defined as a gas vehicle, which is constructed or adapted for:

  • the conveyance of goods or burden of any description
  • the haulage by road of other vehicles or
  • the carriage of passengers.



The vehicles in question must be new and do not include private passenger cars.



This section comes into operation on 1st January 2019.





Disclaimer This article is for guidance purposes only. Please be aware that it does not constitute professional advice. No liability is accepted by Accounts Advice Centre for any action taken or not taken based on the information contained in this article. Specific, independent professional advice, should always be obtained in line with the full, complete and unambiguous facts of each individual situation before any action is taken or not taken.  Any and all information is subject to change.





The Minister for Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform Paschal Donohoe T.D. delivered Budget 2019 today, 9th October 2018.




A number of changes aimed at easing the tax burden on low and middle income earners were announced in this year’s budget which include the following:




The income tax standard rate band will increase by €750 for a single earner.


This will raise the entry point to the 40% income tax rate

a)      from €34,550 to €35,300 for single earners and

b)      from €43,550 to €44,300 for married couples (with one earner).


The marginal rate of tax on income on earnings up to €70,044 per annum is now 48.5%.


The marginal rate of tax for those earning over €70,044 will remain at

a)      52% for employees and

b)      55% for self-employed individuals earning in excess of €100,000.




The 0% rate on BIK on electric cars has been extended to 2021 subject to a €50,000 cap in car value.




There will be a reduction in the third band of USC from 4.75% to 4.5%.

There will be an increase of €502 in the existing lower band of USC. This is worth a maximum of €139 per annum.   In other words, the band to which the 2% USC rate applies will be increased from €19,372 to €19,874.




There will be a €200 increase in the Earned Income Credit for the Self Employed from €1,150 to €1,350.

There will be a €300 increase in the home carer credit from €1,200 to €1,500.   This credit can be claimed by a jointly assessed couple where one spouse/civil partner works in the home to care for children or other dependents, as defined.




The weekly income threshold for the higher rate of employer’s PRSI will be increase from €376 per week (€19,552 per annum) to €386 per week (€20,072 per annum).

There will be a 0.1% increase in employers’ PRSI in 2019 from 10.85% to 10.95% and from 10.95 to 11.05% in 2020.


The National Training Fund Levy will increase from 0.8% to 0.9% from 1st January 2019. The levy forms part of employer’s PRSI for Class A and Class H employments.





There is strong reaffirmation of the Government’s long-term commitment to 12½% corporation tax rate.



Key Employee Engagement Programme (KEEP)

There are Increases to the KEEP scheme. The scheme provides for tax relief for certain share remuneration provided to key employees by unquoted SMEs. The three separate amendments are as follows:

  1. The ceiling on the maximum annual market value of shares that can be awarded must equate to the full amount of the employee’s salary.
  2. A replacement of the three-year limit with a lifetime limit.
  3. An increase in the value of shares granted under the scheme from €250,000 to €300,000.


Further clarification on these measures is expected in the forthcoming Finance Bill.



Film Relief

Film relief, which was due to expire at the end of 2020, has been extended until 2024.



Three Year Start Up relief

The Start up Relief from corporation tax has been extended until end of 2021.



Controlled Foreign Company (CFC) rules

Controlled foreign corporation rules are to take effect from 1st Jan 2019.



Capital Gains Tax Exit Tax

CGT Exit Tax at 12½% is to apply from midnight on 9th October 2018 for companies ceasing to be Irish tax resident on any unrealised capital gains arising as well as in situations where the company transfers assets out the State.  This new exit tax regime is to ensure compliance with the EU Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive (ATAD) by 1st January 2020.






Income averaging

The Minister has proposed removing the restriction on income averaging for farmers with income from a non-farming source.


The current situation is that where a farmer or his/her spouse

a)      carries out another trade or profession or

b)      owns more than 25% of the share capital of a trading company

then they cannot avail of the income averaging provisions.



Stamp Duty Relief for Young Trained Farmers

The Young Trained Farmer Stamp Duty Relief which was due to expire at the end of 2018 will be extended for a further three years to 31st December 2021.



Stock Relief

The current stock relief measures will be extended for a further 3 years up to and including 31st  December 2021.






Interest relief for landlords

Interest relief on loans used to purchase, improve or repair a rental property will be increased from 85% in 2018 to 100% in 2019.



Review of local property tax

Any future changes will be moderate and affordable.






The Minister confirmed that the reduced 9% VAT rate which applies to certain tourism activities will be increased 13½% from 1st January 2019.


The 9% VAT rate which applies to the provision of facilities for taking part in sporting activities is being retained.


The 9% VAT rate which applies to certain printed matter  will also be retained, e.g. newspapers


The VAT rate on e-books and electronically supplied newspapers will be reduced from 23% to 9% with effect from 1st January 2019.







CAT Threshold

The CAT Group A tax free threshold has been increased to €320,000 for gifts and inheritances received on or after 10th October 2018.

Group A generally applies to gifts and inheritances from parents to their children.




Additional Measures

  • The VRT relief available for hybrid vehicles including plug-in electric hybrids is being extended for one year i.e. until 31st December 2019.
  • A 1% VRT surcharge will apply to diesel engine passenger vehicles registered in Ireland from 1st January 2019.  This VRT rate is being introduced across all VRT bands.
  • Betting Duty on bets entered into by a bookmaker with an individual in Ireland will be increased from 1% to 2% effective from 1st January 2019.
  • From 1st January 2019, the duty on commissions earned by betting exchanges or intermediaries which are used by persons in Ireland will be increased from 15% to 25%.
  • The measure to allow accelerated capital allowances for employer provided fitness and childcare facilities, as introduced by Finance Bill 2017, will now take effect from 1st January 2019.
  • An accelerated capital allowances scheme will be introduced for refuelling equipment and gas propelled vehicles.






VAT treatment of virtual currencies and transactions – GERMANY



On 27th February 2018, the Germany‘s Federal Ministry of Finance (MOF) issued guidance clarifying the VAT treatment of bitcoins and other “virtual currencies.”


It determined that although transactions to exchange a traditional currency for a virtual currency and vice versa were deemed to be a “taxable supply” these transaction are considered to be VAT exempt.


The guidance confirms that Germany will not impose a VAT charge in circumstances where the virtual currency is a substitute for a traditional currency and is used merely as a form of payment.


This guidance is in line with the ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU)— Hedqvist (C-264/14, 22nd October 2015).

Revenue Investigations for Airbnb Hosts



  1. Are you letting a property through Airbnb?
  2. Have you recently received a Letter from Revenue advising you that your tax affairs are “under investigation”?
  3. Do you believe that you may be at risk of a Revenue Investigation?


The Irish Revenue is cracking down on anyone who has a listing on the accommodation website Airbnb.

It appears that Revenue is focusing on the tax years 2014, 2015 and 2016 but please be aware, Revenue have the legislative powers to extend the scope of their investigation to include previous years.


So, what does that potentially mean for a Tax Payer?

Once the Tax Payer receives a Notice of Investigation the option to make a voluntary disclosure no longer exists.

Previously unreported income from the letting of property via an accommodation website such as Airbnb will be liable to interest and penalties with potential publication of the Tax Payer’s name on the defaulters list.


What should the Tax Payer do?

If you haven’t received a Notice of Investigation, then you should file the relevant Income Tax Returns NOW.  If you have already filed tax returns for 2014, 2015 and 2016, you should make the necessary amendments to those forms as soon as possible.

If you file your Tax Returns immediately you are reducing the risk of being selected for a Revenue Investigation.


What should the Tax Payer include in his/her Return?

Your Rental Profit is liable to Income Tax, PRSI and Universal Social Charge.

The profit is arrived at by reducing your “Rents Receivable” figure by expenses which are wholly and exclusively incurred for the purpose of your business which include:

• Repairs and Maintenance including decorating, laundry and cleaning.

• Airbnb fees/commission

• Insurance

• Legal fees

• Accountancy / Taxation Fees

• Advertising Costs

• Utilities



Non-allowable expenses include:

• Food

• Commuting/Travel



Recent Revenue eBrief

Revenue eBrief No. 59/18 was published on 17th April 2018 in relation to the Tax treatment of income arising from the provision of short-term accommodation:


This comprehensive and detailed guidance material differentiated between frequent hosting and occasional hosting:


Frequent Hosting – Schedule D Case I

If the property is expected to be available for rent on a frequent and/or regular basis as opposed to a once-off or occasional basis then any profits arising from the provision of the accommodation will be liable to Income Tax under Case I Schedule D.


Allowable Case I Expenses:

  • Capital allowances – The annual wear & tear allowance of 12½% for plant and machinery used for the purposes of a trade e.g. furniture and fixtures.
  • Pre-trading expenses – expenses incurred up to three years prior to the date of commencement of a trade are completely tax deductible where the expenditure would be deductible had it been incurred after the trade commenced. Examples include the cost of painting or wall papering a room or purchasing towels and bed linen in advance of the guest accommodation being put into use for the first time.
  • Expenses wholly and exclusively expended carrying on a trade


Occasional Hosting – Schedule D Case IV

If the property is let only on an occasional or infrequent basis then the profits generated will be taxed under Schedule D Case IV.

Allowable Case IV Expenses:

  • No Capital Allowances
  • No Pre-trading expenses
  • Annual costs with a property will not be permitted such as the Television licence, Insurance, etc.



Additional Tax Issues to Watch Out for

VAT @ 9% could arise if your turnover figure is greater than €37,500.  Please be aware that the VAT registration is based on Turnover (i.e. what you received in rental income) and not Profit (i.e. the difference between your rental income and the allowable expenditure).


In the event of a subsequent sale of this property, since it won’t have qualified as your home for the entire period of ownership, you may not be entitled to the full CGT exemption afforded by Principal Private Residence Relief.



What to do Next

If any of this post has affected you and you’re worried about a potential tax liability or Revenue Investigation, please don’t hesitate to contact us to see what we can do for You.




Zero-rated GST implemented in Malaysia



According to Malaysia’s Ministry of Finance, the supply of goods and services made in Malaysia will now be subject to the zero rated Goods and Services Tax (GST) effective from 1st June 2018.  The “Goods and Service Tax (Rate of Tax) (Amendment) Order 2018” amends the rate of tax on the supply of goods or services as well as on the importation of goods from 6% to 0%.


Please be aware that the zero rating will not apply to the supply of goods and services listed under the Goods and Services Tax (Exempt Supply) Order 2014.  These goods and services will remain exempt from GST.


All persons registered for GST (Goods & Services Tax) must comply with the new legislation in relation to zero rating but will continue to be governed by the current regulations with regard to invoicing, filing and claiming input tax credits.


GST registered persons must continue to ensure that the pricing of goods and services provided adheres to the Price control and Anti-Profiteering Act 2011.

VAT Treatment of Staff Secondments (Ireland)



Revenue eBrief 66/18, published on 23rd April 2018, contained guidance on the VAT treatment of staff secondments to companies established in Ireland from related foreign companies.


These guidance notes confirm that staff secondments are subject to VAT at the standard rate, being 23%. This applies even where both companies are connected and members of an international group.  Revenue, however, have provided a concession whereby VAT will not be charged on payments in relation to the seconded staff provided that correct Irish PAYE and PRSI have been operated on these payments.



This concessionary treatment will only apply in situations where the staff members are seconded from a company established outside Ireland but which is part of the same corporate group as the recipient company and where the staff are seconded to an Irish established company or an Irish branch of a foreign company. In addition, the Irish company to which the employee is seconded must exercise control over the performance of his/her duties or the secondee must effectively have managerial responsibility for the operation of the Irish company or Irish branch. Finally, the PAYE and PRSI liabilities relating to the payments to the seconded employee must be paid over to the Irish Revenue in a timely manner.


If the company sending the employee does not charge in excess of the emoluments paid then no VAT liability will arise.  However, where the company sending the employee charges the Irish company an amount which is in excess of the amounts payable to the employee, then the excess will be subject to VAT in the hands of the Irish company engaging the employee on the “reverse charge basis.”



Please be aware that the information contained in this article is of a general nature.  It is not intended to address specific circumstances in relation to any individual or entity. All reasonable efforts have been made by Accounts Advice Centre to provide accurate and up-to-date information, however, there can be no guarantee that such information is accurate on the date it is received or that it will continue to remain so.. This information should not be acted upon without full and comprehensive, specialist professional tax advice.


Tax Treatment for short term rentals e.g. through online accommodation booking sites





Yesterday, Revenue eBrief No. 59/18 was published.


This comprehensive nine page document outlines the tax treatment for income arising from the provision of short-term accommodation:


short term letting is defined as a letting of all or part of a house, apartment or other similar establishment:

– to a tourist, holidaymaker or other visitor
– for a period which does not exceed or is unlikely to exceed 8 consecutive weeks


There are a number of different circumstances which will be covered by this new guidance material including

(i) persons staying in hotels, guesthouses, B&Bs, hostels, etc.,
(ii) persons either sharing a property with the owner or occupying the whole property for a short period of stay or
(iii) persons occupying self-catering holiday accommodation for short periods


If your rental income meets the criteria outlined in this document, you could be looking at an obligation to register for VAT depending on your turnover as well compliance obligations under Cases I or IV Schedule D.  In addition to the annual tax on the rental profits and the potential VAT exposure, you could encounter a Capital Gains Tax liability on the sale of the property generating this rental income which might otherwise have been tax exempt.


This document has clarified situations where Rent-a-Room Relief will not be available.  Specifically if you are someone who rents out one or more rooms in your home through online accommodation booking sites you will not be entitled to the Rent-a-Room Relief.  Instead you may be treated as if you are carrying on a trade with an obligation to register and account for Income Tax and/or VAT.


If you provide short term rentals to tourists, guests or visitors where the room or property is available for rent on a regular or frequent basis with a view to making a profit and involves you, the owner, carrying out some or all of  the following activities then you may be deemed to be carrying on a trade and if so, this document is relevant to you:

  1. Advertising the property online on accommodation booking websites
  2. Dealing with booking enquiries, reservations and payments
  3. Arranging for cleaning, laundry and maintenance during and between lets
  4. Providing meals
  5. Providing information to visitors about local tourist attractions, restaurants etc.
  6. paying staff to provide such services, etc.


According to this document:

“The provision of traditional short-term guest accommodation in hotels, guesthouses, B&Bs and hostels will generally constitute a trade. Persons who provide short-term guest accommodation, either in their home or in another property owned by them, will only be trading to the extent the activity is sufficiently frequent and regular and is carried on a commercial basis and with a view to the realisation of profit.”


If you are renting out a room in your own home or an entire property using an online accommodation booking site and you are unsure of the correct tax treatment pertaining to your situation, why not contact us to discuss the matter further.

VAT Amendments – South African Budget 2018


globe on newspaper2

On Budget Day, 21st February 2018, the South African Minister for Finance released updated draft regulations in relation to VAT levied on electronic services provided by foreign businesses.  The aim is to extend the definition of “electronic services” to include “any service supplied by means of an electronic agent, electronic communication or the internet…”


If enacted, the amended draft regulations could result in a significant overhaul of the VAT treatment electronic services.


In 2014 Section 89 of the Value Added Tax Act 1991 was amended.  From 1st June 2014 on-wards the definition of “enterprise” was to include in the supply of electronic services provided by foreign suppliers to recipients within South Africa. As a result, non-resident suppliers of these services were required to register for VAT where their supplies exceeded the threshold amount of R50 000 in a twelve month period.


The amendments proposed in this Budget, which should take effect from 1st October 2018, include the following:

  • Repealing the current Regulation – This would allow for the deletion of the specific types of services currently outlined as “electronic services” and
  • Revising the definition of “electronic services” to effectively include any type of service supplied electronically with the exception of telecommunication services and educational services provided by a person who is regulated by an educational authority in a foreign jurisdiction.


This new definition will bring into the South African VAT regime; foreign suppliers whose services were previously outside its scope including online advertising, broadcasting, cloud computing, access to databases and information systems, etc.


The VAT Act does not, however, distinguish between Business to Business (B2B) supplies and supplies made directly to South African consumers (B2C). This will have a significant impact on the tax compliance burden for foreign suppliers who supply services electronically into South Africa as well as for the South African Revenue Service.


Amendments have been proposed for intermediaries and platforms to be allowed to register as vendors.  This will enable them to account for the VAT arising on sales made through such platforms providing the platform or intermediary facilitates the supply and assumes responsibility for the issuing of invoices and collection of the associated payments.


The National Treasury has allowed until 22nd March to provide comments.  Following which, if the proposed amendments are enacted they will become effective from 1st October 2018.

Nestlé UK Ltd. loses its Case – Strawberry and Banana Nesquik are liable to standard rated VAT


Chocolate milk


Nestlé has lost its appeal against the original 2016 ruling by the UK’s First Tier Tribunal over the VAT treatment that should apply to its strawberry and banana flavoured Nesquik powders.


The First Tier Tribunal found in favour of the HMRC not repaying the £4 million of output VAT which had been over declared by Nestlé on these products.  Nestlé’s grounds for seeking this repayment were that the fruit flavoured powders were liable to the zero VAT rate as they were deemed to be “a powder for the preparation of beverages.”


The Tribunal held in favour of the HMRC that the products in question should remain at the standard VAT rate and as a result, no claim for the over declared output VAT is to be allowed.


Nestlé argued that strawberry and banana Nesquik should be zero rated. The reason being that they encourage milk drinking and milk is zero rated.


Nestlé also argued that these flavours should have the same VAT treatment as the chocolate flavour powder because they are in essence, the same product.


Both Nestlé and the HMRC agree that the chocolate flavoured Nesquik should be zero rated on the basis that this product contains cocoa thereby allowing it to fall within the list of “exceptions to the excepted items” according to the UK’s zero rating provisions.


The Upper Tribunal pointed out that there are number of other anomalies within the VAT system. For example, the fact fruit salad is zero rated while fruit smoothies are liable to VAT at the standard rate.


This case is likely to be appealed by Nestlé.


The lesson to be learnt from this case is that advice should always be sought in advance, especially with regard to new supplies, to ensure that the correct VAT treatment is always applied.


The full ruling can be found here:


 Nestlé UK Ltd and the Commissioners for Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs, [2018] UKUT 29, Appeal number: UT/2016/120 





Image courtesy of tiverylucky at

4% Stamp duty rebate on development land used for residential development


A stamp duty refund scheme in respect of land purchased to develop residential property was signed into the 2017 Finance Act on 25th December 2017.


The Act provides that where stamp duty, at the new higher rate of 6%. is paid on the acquisition of land which is subsequently used to build residential property, the purchaser will be entitled to a rebate of 4% being 2/3rds of the duty paid.


It is important to keep in mind that the refund of stamp duty is only applicable in relation to the proportion of the land used for residential development.



The Main Points of the Scheme are:


  • The scheme only applies where the residential development begins within thirty months of the date the land was acquired but before 1st January 2022.


  • It only applies to the construction of dwelling units.


  • It does not apply to the refurbishment or completion of existing or partially constructed units.


  • The time taken to conclude any planning appeal may be added to this 30 month period.


  • The development must commence on foot of a Commencement Notice served in compliance with the Building Control Regulations and must be completed within two years of the relevant Local Authority’s acknowledgement of the Commencement Notice.


  • There is a four year time limit on claiming a repayment.  Please be aware that the repayment does not carry interest and must be claimed using Revenue’s e-Stamping system.


  • The 4% duty refund can be claimed following the commencement of the works


  • Where the residential development is being carried out in phases, repayments can be sought on a phased basis i.e. the refund can be reclaimed on the commencement of each phase but only in proportion to the area of the land in each phase.


  •  75% of the land, for which the refund claim is made, must comprise of dwelling units.


  • If the legislative conditions are not met or if the works have not been completed within the 2 year deadline then Clawback Provisions will apply to this refund.



Despite the fact that this scheme has been signed into legislation there are still areas of uncertainty.  It is expected that Revenue will issue guidance material to clarify matters in due course.



Please be aware that the information contained in this article is of a general nature.  It is not intended to address specific circumstances in relation to any individual or entity. All reasonable efforts have been made by Accounts Advice Centre to provide accurate and up-to-date information, however, there can be no guarantee that such information is accurate on the date it is received or that it will continue to remain so. This information should not be acted upon without full and comprehensive, specialist professional tax advice.